by Carmen Hockley | Déc 8, 2022 | Vet, ERP
3 Factors of Growth Using Veterinary Business Management The large animal vet industry is facing a series of external pressures as we have outlined in our previous blog; Navigating the Pressurized Vet Market. But many industries alike have one common question;...
by Carmen Hockley | Oct 25, 2022 | Vet
Features of a Modern Mobile Veterinary Clinic Management System An aspect of veterinary practice management software that is quickly becoming an industry standard is mobile. Everyone has a smartphone in their pocket now-adays, so it only makes sense to utilize this...
by Carmen Hockley | Oct 24, 2022 | Vet
Finding Your Clinic in a Veterinary Staff Shortage? Retaining DVM Employees with an Efficient Workplace It is common knowledge many clinics are experiencing a veterinary staff shortage. Furthermore, we are in the middle of an incredible DVM shortage while demand for...
by Carmen Hockley | Oct 18, 2022 | Vet
National Veterinary Technician Week Veterinary technicians are poorly understood. Few people know what they do or appreciate their vital role in veterinary medicine. To promote the contributions of veterinary technicians, in 1994 the executive board of the National...
by a16df19b_admin | Juil 27, 2022 | ERP, Vet
Just Vet Solutions est une équipe dédiée de spécialistes des logiciels de cliniques vétérinaires issue du partenaire Microsoft certifié Gold Mibusoft. Mibusoft est un revendeur à valeur ajoutée (VAR) des produits et services Microsoft ERP, fournissant des déploiements cloud, sur site et hybrides. Depuis plus de 14 ans, Mibusoft a développé de nombreuses propriétés intellectuelles (IP) qui sont de puissants compléments à la suite de produits ERP de Microsoft, incluant Dynamics 365 Business Central et Dynamics NAV.
by a16df19b_admin | Juil 27, 2022 | ERP, Vet
Il n'est pas surprenant que, selon la Vétérinaire Hospital Managers Association (VHMA), une demande croissante dans l'industrie des soins aux animaux ait été observée pour Systèmes et équipements de diagnostic avancés, Processus de traitement plus rationalisés et Administration efficace des tâches de bureau courantes.